Had He Been Handsome

Lia Martins
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Unveiling the Complexity of Love in “Had He Been Handsome” by Machado De Assis

Author: Machado De Assis

Main Characters: Eugenia, Dona Eusebia, sheath, Dona Cora, Dr. Firmino, Mr. Reis.

Welcome to the delve into “Had He Been Handsome,” a classic by Brazilian author Machado De Assis. This master of literary intrigue is well loved for his precise exploration of human emotions, primely those regarding relationships and self-image. Our journey will gravitate around how these emotions reflect the complexity of human nature mirrored against the simplicity of the natural world.

The Theme of Love and Beauty

“Had He Been Handsome” examines the intricate ties between love and physical attractiveness. Eugenia, the protagonist, is chained by society’s shackles that view her crippling lameness as an undesired trait, underlining the narrative’s central theme. This work of literature probes the depth of human emotions, defying conventional norms of beauty.

Human Relationships amidst Social Expectations

Our journey through this captivating narrative deeply reflects on human relationships, narratively contrasting Eugenia’s candid emotional nature against her physical impairment. Her relationships challenge societal norms while unapologetically serving as a mirror to our modern society that still grapples with superficiality.

Reflection on Humanity’s Depth

This book stimulates deep reflection on humanity’s depth, delivering a riveting contrast to the simplicity found in nature. As evidenced in the book, human emotions are veiled by an array of layers affected by external factors such as social norms and personal insecurities, unlike their natural counterparts that unapologetically stand in their simplest form.


Is “Had He Been Handsome” available in English?

Yes, English translations of this classical Brazilian literature are available in book shops and online platforms.

What are the central themes in “Had He Been Handsome”?

The principal themes of this narrative are love, beauty, societal perceptions, and overcoming personal insecurity.

What other works has Machado De Assis written?

Some other notable works by the author include “Posthumous Memoirs of Bras Cubas,” “Dom Casmurro,” and “Helena”.

Concluding Thoughts

“Had He Been Handsome” is a sober reflection on societal norms and personal insecurities. It offers a profound exploration of human emotions, relationships, societal expectations, and natural simplicity intertwined with intricate themes of love and beauty. In seamlessly weaving these elements together, De Assis affirms himself a literary marvel adept at conveying complex emotional explorations in simple, relatable form. This literary journey, filled with insightful themes and thought-provoking character arcs, is a must-read for any ardent literature enthusiast in search of a profound, engaging experience.


  • Lia Martins

    Lia Martins is passionate about stories that explore the complexities of human emotions and connections with nature. With a background in Literature and Visual Arts, Lia blends her poetic sensibility with deep and reflective analyses, turning each review into a sensory and emotional experience. Her love for classic romances and literary fiction is evident in her writing, which uncovers nuances and hidden symbolism in every book.

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