Madame Bovary

Lia Martins
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Review: Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert

Author: Gustave Flaubert

Main Characters: Emma Bovary, Charles Bovary, Rodolphe Boulanger, Leon Dupuis, Homais, Berthe Bovary

As I first began to delve into the somber yet delicately arranged world of “Madame Bovary”, Gustave Flaubert’s intricate narrative about the disheartening life of Emma Bovary overwhelmed me. Emma’s story, her longing and the tragic path she walks, manifested itself in a narrative so immersive it felt like a submersion into another era.

The Trappings of Passion and Desire

Emma Bovary’s life is plagued by her insatiable, misguided desire for romantic love and high society glamour. Although initially charmed by her husband Charles’ kindness, Emma quickly falls out of love with him due to his lack of adventure and sophistication, setting the stage for her spiral into emotional torment.

Emma’s affairs with Rodolphe and then Leon, painted in a vibrant array of emotions, symbolize Emma’s attempts to fill the void in her life, echoing the dangers of unbridled passion and the disappointment of unfulfilled desires (Fleurs du mal).

The Conflict with Reality

The stark reality is that Emma has been corrupted by the romantic novels she adored as a girl, which molded her expectations of life and relationships to be far from reality. This romantic disillusionment is a recurring theme in “Madame Bovary” and arguably the primary source of Emma’s downfall.


Why does Emma Bovary seek affairs?

Emma, unsatisfied with her simple country life and her mundane husband, seeks affairs as a means of attaining the romantic love and excitement she craves.

How does “Madame Bovary” relate to real-life issues?

The novel reflects real issues faced by many; the destructive effects of unrealistic expectations, the results of dissatisfaction with one’s life, and the impact of seeking fulfillment in inappropriate ways.

How does Gustave Flaubert’s writing style contribute to the story?

Flaubert’s meticulous and insightful prose constructs a compelling narrative that engrosses readers and highlights Emma’s complex emotions and desires in an incredibly relatable manner.

Reflection and Conclusion

“Madame Bovary” is a keen examination of our persistent struggle with expectations and reality. Emma’s unraveled life is an echo of the heartbreaking consequence of living a life consumed by disillusioned desires. Much like Nature’s cycle, which reminds us that growth often comes from decay, Emma’s tragic downfall offers readers a profound exploration of human nature’s intricacies.

Our world, akin to Flaubert’s portrayal of Emma’s, is filled with people battling the tempest of their hearts, often lost between their desires and the life they inhabit. “Madame Bovary” is a timeless reminder that the balance between our expectations and our realities, our desires, and our duties is what truly shapes our existence.


  • Lia Martins

    Lia Martins is passionate about stories that explore the complexities of human emotions and connections with nature. With a background in Literature and Visual Arts, Lia blends her poetic sensibility with deep and reflective analyses, turning each review into a sensory and emotional experience. Her love for classic romances and literary fiction is evident in her writing, which uncovers nuances and hidden symbolism in every book.

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